Profound Hues of You
By Molly Hall | Astrology
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anaïs Nin
True Colors
The Leo New Moon is Jully 26th, 6:42 pm EDT for a spirited retreat with Luna. What’s striking at the ferociously-charged Leo lunation is that it’s the very first with Jupiter in Leo.
Leo brings us close to passions and the arena of life where we’re most likely to shine. Sun and Moon are at 4 degrees Leo, so check this point in your (free) birth chart for what’s being dramatized.
Jupiter with the luminaries (Sun and Moon) stokes the fires of enthusiasm, making this an extraordinary New Moon for committing to a dream. If it’s the true wish of your heart, and you bring your whole presence to the vision, there are forces afoot to insure you strike gold.
This fixed fire sign is warming to the spirit — the prime imperative is inspiration.
Is this a chaotic, mad world we live in or what?! But there are opportunities for supersized creative growth, if you’re able to bring the focus back to yourself. Be a little self-centered, in a good way. This is a time when your uniqueness is magnified, making it easier to pick up on serendipity, to guide you forward. In stormy times, Leo is the lighthouse beacon that keeps you close to the shore of your true self.
Here’s the Kicker
And yet, it’s not all sunny delights, as instigating Mars angles in at 0 Scorpio to the Leo stellium. This stirs things up, in a heated, restless atmosphere, where so much can happen!
There’s risk, in revealing your one-of-a-kind peacock feather display, and that’s what’s instigated in this atmosphere. Everything is brought to a boil, with the tensions of Mars and the Leo stellium.
What’s threatening about being yourself? Even the agony of the unlived life can be turned into creative gold now. What rings true now is realness — where you’re living up to your own standards, and where you’re falling short. Your vulnerability is your strength, as you courageously meet the threats (inner and outer) to being who you really are.
Jupiter rewilds the natural enthusiasms in Leo, and it begins with a rush of vitality, optimism and lust for life. The gift of Jupiter now is a vibrant coming alive of what’s most meaningful, and what animates you.
There’s a lot of cosmic backing to take risks to be real, vulnerable or take a chance on a creative dream. Venus in Cancer (art, love) is opposed to Pluto for a deep excavation of what matters most, based on your life so far. The very personal energies of Cancer and Leo are called forth, to humanize the scene, and shake off habits of mediocrity and being distracted from what matters.
“Fierce Edges of Life”
This is no time for watered down, diluted, spacey collective-speak. The theme of the lunation is about power — the particular power of living and acting from who you really are. So much pulls us into abstract ideas and a soul-sapping culture that has us on the outside looking in.
Don’t miss this potent chance to rededicate yourself as the center of your own universe. You retrieve parts of yourself that cry out for attention, but that are stuffed down in the ennui of the everyday. From what has punch and color, and runs like a thread of gold through your life since time immemorial, is the focus.
Acting from that place brings up vulnerability, the stuff of art and bare-naked soul intimacy. To be present through that creative chaos is to be living at what poet David Whyte calls “the fierce edges of life.”
Courage = With Heart
Leo is about whole-hearted engagement in life. And New Moons give you a chance to renew yourself, and draw from the rich and restful void. Making a New Moon collage is a great idea, with a particular focus on your favorite things. This is a very visual sign (Leo) and we don’t want to dilute the enthusiasm with too much talk. Get in your instinctual groove.
Here are more simple ritual ideas for the Leo New Moon.
At the New Moon, we magnetize what we want, our heart’s desire. When you leave room to be surprised, you’re open to being shown by spirit, what’s ready to be grabbed from the creative dark. How do we make it real? This is unique to each person — half the battle is clearing the barriers (and distractions) that keep us from the full magic of the New Moon! Dreams are super vivid, and being inspired is a whole body-mind-spirit experience.
When the Moon is new in Leo the Sun is also in Leo.
The New Moon is a time of beginnings. You can set intentions that grow with the lunar light and reach fruition at the Full Moon.
New Moon in Leo themes:
- artistic self-expression
- children, real and “creative” ones
- passionate feelings, romance
- taking courageous risks
- the confidence to pursue what makes the heart sing
- parties, color,
- imaginative gifts
- emotional intelligence
It’s a Good Time to: make time for play; fan the creative flames; stand in your personal power; celebrate your unique story; go on an adventure; radiate confidence to be Big; take delight in something; risk growth through creativity; step into leadership; embrace passionate love and friendship; laugh out loud (for real).
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Pablo Picasso
Leo New Moon Goodies
- Rituals for the Leo New Moon
- Leo New Moon in the Houses