Aquarius Overview
People born in the sign of Aquarius cannot be judged by the standards that measure other people. This is perhaps the one completely unselfish type, in whose motives for behavior and in whose impulses may be seen a divine tough.
Aquarian people love humanity, not as the Sagittarian does, in a human way, with all its faults, but rather they love the life principle. To the Aquarian, the fact that there is life makes all things possible. They see in mankind an exalted future, where a universal harmony is the natural scheme. To the Aquarian, world peace arising out of the highest qualities of men is the ultimate goal.
Aquarians see good in everything. They manage to get along with everyone and seldom find fault with any person or condition no matter how unjustly they may suffer from it. They are not martyrs, however, and if they are imposed upon, they will extricate themselves so adroitly that the read culprit is always mysteriously revealed.
Aquarius 2023 Horoscope
The sun highlights your first house of self from the end of January until the end of February, and just like every year, you’ll be celebrating the day of your birth at some point during that time period. This year, Aquarius, plan on having some birthday fun in the offbeat style you’re known for! In other words, get as weird as you want to get, and make sure the festivities include lots of silliness and socialization. The worst thing you can imagine is having to celebrate alone.
Determined teacher Saturn is in your airy sign between January and March—when you feel the drive to learn more about the unknowns in your life. This can be a significant period of both growth and hardship, and it calls on you to get rid of any prejudices or biases that are holding you back. If you want to get the full positive effect of this transit, your typical rebellious nature will have to fade into the background as you embrace being part of a greater collective of people who can make a difference.
Your inventive home planet Uranus is traveling with conservative earth sign Taurus and your home and family zone all year, indicating that some slow changes will begin to take shape in those areas of your life. By nature, you’re an innovator and pioneer, but those characteristics are in sharp contrast with the Bull’s steady nature. This can make it difficult for you to feel settled in your own home and around family, but most growth comes from dealing with energy imbalances like these.
It’s no secret that you love the single life, Aquarius. Like most air signs, you value your freedom, so when passionate Mars spends time with fellow restless air sign Gemini and your pleasure zone from the start of the year until late in March, you might really struggle with the concepts of monogamy and soul mates. While you don’t exactly feel trapped where you are (after all, you did choose to be in a relationship), you just kind of want to have a good time, no strings attached, and, unfortunately, that isn’t very conducive to being in love or in a long-term relationship!
You have a better time communicating and compromising when Mars enters Libra and your house of partnerships at the end of August and the sun pairs up with Libra in late September. These harmonious transits surround your relationship with the balanced energy it needs to get you over any rough patches you’ve been having lately. If you’ve been having a hard time reaching an agreement on something important, this compromising energy gives you the charming demeanor that will help you smooth things over and allow you both to get what you want.
And if you continue to argue, you get a second chance to patch things up during the new moon and solar eclipse in mid-October, also in gracious Libra. During this lunation, you’re able to slip comfortably into your partner’s shoes and easily resolve any ongoing conflict. Seeing things from each other’s perspectives can be a real eye-opening moment.
Romantic Venus is paired with your experimental sign early in January, so you’ll be totally up for trying some new things. And with the sun also entering your independent sign at the end of the month, you’re completely happy living the single life. With your social life buzzing, you won’t be actively trying to become part of a couple, but as you network and connect with a bunch of new people during this time frame, you won’t rule out meeting “the one.” If it happens, it happens!
There’s also a new moon in fiery Aries around mid-April, which injects your love life with some excitement and passion. This exciting lunation puts you in charge of your love life and reminds you to really go for what you want. Your confidence is at an all-time high now, and your competitive drive puts you far ahead of your romantic competition. If you’ve been waiting for a good time to send a DM or talk to your cute neighbor, this is it!
Powerful Mars enters the emotional waters of Scorpio in the middle of October, changing your aloof feelings about love under the trance of this alluring and intriguing energy. It’s hard to resist the pull of love now, especially if you meet someone you’re sexually drawn to. Watch out for becoming totally obsessed with someone now or giving in to thoughts of revenge or jealousy regarding an ex. Negativity like this has a way of ruining any current good things you’ve got going.
Money & Career
Money is a pretty fluid commodity for you, Aquarius, and because you love to be on the cutting edge you’re willing to take financial risks that other people might not. This year, hardworking Saturn is partnered with your intelligent, tech-loving sign early in the year, so between January and March, breaking free of any traditional career restrictions you feel you’ve been under lately should pay off nicely. Your eccentric but useful ideas make you an invaluable part of any team now, and your friendly, airy demeanor makes you a popular boss or coworker.
Also remember that your rebellious home planet Uranus is in steady money-savvy Taurus all year, which can set you up for a healthier financial future if you’re willing to be patient. Much like last year, diversifying investments and moving money around to several types of risk levels could net you some seriously healthy profits, but only if you’re willing to wait until the time is right to act.
As lucky Jupiter spends the first part of the year (until mid-May) in fiery Aries, you’re curious about everything and ready to explore new worlds. If you’ve been unhappy in your current career, this is an excellent time to do some research into different fields. Your broad range of interests now can also lead you down a rewarding financial path, but again, doing the research is important versus just throwing all your money at an opportunity because it seems interesting. Your bright mind can take you far now, so don’t be afraid to stand up and ask the tough questions about what will bring you the most rewarding outcome.
From Cuspatrology.com
Zodiac Position: Approximately 26° Capricorn — 3° Aquarius Season: Mid-winter Elements: Earth/Air Qualities: Cardinal/Fixed Rulers: Saturn/Uranus Symbols: The Goat/The Water Bearer Modes: Sensation/Thought
Also called the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, Aquaricorn is an overlapping and admixture of the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, and the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius. AQUARICORN can be symbolically likened to the period around seventy years of age in the human life; it arrives at the time in winter when the days are lengthening but remain cold (in the northern hemisphere). Indeed, nights are freezing and refuge must be sought inside. The Aquaricorn cusp may be said to represent Mystery and Imagination. In human development, at the age of seventy, one must certainly come to terms with one’s own mortality. Preparations must be made to make one’s remaining years comfortable, but also productive and satisfying. Although external activities have usually slowed down considerably, ideally a corresponding increased tempo of the interior life—mental, emotional, spiritual—can manifest. The worlds of imagination fantasy and dreams are active and some feel and act in a childlike manner. A kind of knowing in the deepest sense, a universal wisdom, may manifest at this time.
The days which comprise the AQUARICORN Cusp exemplify some of the manifestations of Mystery and Imagination where the practical, conservative Capricorn nature clashes with unpredictable unconventional Aquarian impulses.
THE AQUARICORN PERSONALITY: The imaginative AQUARICORN certainly does not lead a dull life. The more flamboyant of those born on this cusp often bring their entertainment with them and are capable of providing an electric excitement wherever they are. The source for such energy can often be found in an inner world in which Mystery and Imagination vie for supremacy. Even the minority of those born on this cusp who appear quiet or unassuming have a vivid, active fantasy and dream life; it is also likely that they experience quite a lot of excitement in private.
Every cusp personality comprises conflicting elements, being influenced by two very different adjacent signs. In the cases of AQUARICORN, the earthy stability of Capricorn can be split asunder in an instant by the lightning-quick and erratic mentality of Aquarius. Thus conflicts may arise between conservative and radical influences which stand little chance of being fully reconciled. Sensation-thought types, those born on this cusp can sometimes lack empathic feelings and be at the mercy of their impulses.
Aquaricorns are particularly prone to unusual experiences and the enjoyment of vivid visual images. Blessed or cursed with an active dream life, many inhabit a world when asleep that makes the waking life seem dull by comparison. The most highly developed individuals born on this cusp may use their fertile fantasy world as the basis for creativity, whether commercial or artistic, and can translate their private images into symbols or ideas which have meaning for their friends and associates, or for the world at large.
ADVICE FOR AQUARICORNS: You must find an outlet for your creative energy. Communicate what you experience. Try not to be discouraged by lack of understanding, ignorance or negative criticism. Don’t go off the deep end but rather find those who understand and appreciate you.
AQUARICORN ATTRACTIONS: AQUARICORNS are generally most attracted to other cusp people, particularly CANCELEO (Cancer/Leo) and SCORPITTARIUS (Scorpio/Sagittarius) cusps.
AQUARIFISH (AQUARIUS/PISCES) – February 16 – February 22
Zodiac Position: Approximately 26° Aquarius — 4° Pisces Season: Late Winter Elements: Air/Water Rulers: Uranus/Neptune Qualities: Fixed/Mutable Symbols: The Water Bearer/The Fish Modes: Thought/Feeling
Also called the Cusp of Sensitivity, the AQUARIFISH is an overlapping and admixture of the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, and the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces. The Aquarifish cusp can be symbolically likened in human terms to the period around seventy-seven years of age, and comes amid the freezing, harsh weather of late winter (in the northern hemisphere). However, winter will soon be over and spring on the way as the days increasingly lengthen.
In human development, at the age of seventy-seven, the close of the life cycle may be near for many who still survive. By this time the human being should have come to terms with his/her life and to peace with loved ones and friends. Breaking down any armoring that remains and showing honest feelings are important now. Rarely will new projects be taken on at this time, but the explorations involved in ending life may come to represent a kind of ultimate peak experience for the highly philosophical. The emphasis now should be on peace, acceptance and getting one’s internal house in order. Accepting mortality with grace and dignity, even preparing for it psychologically and spiritually, rather than succumbing to fear, denying and fighting it, may be a more enlightened way to go.
The days which comprise AQUARIFISH cusp exemplify some of the manifestations of Sensitivity (the central theme of this cusp) where the active, inventive and universal Aquarius impulses merge with watery, impressionable and dreamy Pisces qualities.
THE AQUARIFISH PERSONALITY: The sensitive souls born on this cusp direct most of their energy within two spheres: the personal and the universal, often bypassing the worldly sphere in the process. Indeed, the Aquarifish may be seen as an explorer who has courage enough to dig deep within him/herself but also yearns to soar off into the beyond. Perhaps the ultimate synthesis for such an individual to accomplish is to recognize the extremes of internal and external, subjective and objective, personal and universal as simply two sides of the same coin. Also, because the middle ground (symbolically speaking, the functioning ego and its social expression) is the most difficult for those born on this cusp to tread, they may have to focus more of their energy on managing the business of life.
Every cusp personality comprises conflicting elements, being influenced by two very different adjacent signs. In the case of this particular cusp, the dynamic, universal nature of Aquarius is either tempered or challenged by the highly subjective, personal nature of Pisces. More successful people born on this cusp are able to integrate these two sides of their character, neither losing themselves to unrealistic dreams nor submerging themselves in the depths of their own concerns.
AQUARIFISH people have a hunger for experience. For many, impressions from the outside world are the food or fuel which powers their creative motor. But as they are sensitive to the extreme, it is difficult for them to remain objective in their contacts with the world. This is part of the reason why their attempts to create balance in their daily life are highly problematical.
ADVICE FOR AQUARIFISH: Don’t give up on the world or retreat behind fences. If necessary, tear obstructions down to rediscover your sensitive self. Learning to trust may mean ceasing to fear. Without denying your need to explore the depths and the heights, take the middle road more often.
AQUARIFISH ATTRACTIONS: People born on this cusp are generally most attracted to other cusp people, particularly GEMICAN (Cancer/Gemini) and LEOVIRG (Leo/Virgo) cusps.
Famous Aquarians
The Sun in Aquarius has been called the “rebel” of the zodiac because of their total commitment to their unique vision. They’re uncompromisingly anchored in their own lives, and grant that same autonomy to others. This can make them seem detached and friendly at the same time, with an innate sense that everyone should “do their own thing.”
These are the ones with a faraway look, most likely thinking brilliant and futuristic thoughts. Their minds seem to roam the outer edges of what is possible, and many of them make the impossible a reality as pioneers in science and technology. And their quirky, wholly original take on life gives them an edge should they venture into the Arts.
Click on your birthday to reveal the famous people who share that date with you.
January 21
Aquarians born on January 21 are unique. Cool on the outside, they possess a magnetism that puts them in the spotlight. Although they can appear somewhat egotistical, they are generous souls. Sexual, spiritual and intelligent, these fun-loving men and women seem to have it all — and on their terms. They can see the humor in things, even themselves.
You should embrace: Perspective, dedication, familiarity
You should avoid: Danger, unpreparedness, surprise
Emma Bunton [Singer]
Geena Davis [Actor]
Mac Davis [Singer/Songwriter]
Christian Dior [Fashion Designer]
Placido Domingo [Singer]
Benny Hill [Comic]
Eric H. Holder, Jr. [Government]
Wolfman Jack [Radio Personality]
Jam Master Jay [Disc Jockey]
Jeff Koons [Sculptor]
Rudolph Maté [Cinematographer]
Jack Nicklaus [Golf]
Billy Ocean [Singer]
Hakeem Olajuwon [Basketball]
Steve Reeves [Actor]
Albert Rosellini [Politician]
Paul Scofield [Actor]
Bengt Strömgren [Astronomer]
Ann Wedgeworth [Actor]
Michael Wincott [Actor]
January 22
Aquarians born on January 22 can do amazing things. They are talented and usually enjoy calling attention to themselves. Able to find the uniqueness in each experience, they enjoy the resonance of negative as well as positive emotions.
You should embrace: A good reputation, discovery, popularity
You should avoid: Untruths, denial, neglect of self
Steven Adler [Drummer]
André-Marie Ampère [Physicist]
Francis Bacon [Philosopher]
George Balanchine [Dancer]
Bill Bixby [Actor]
Linda Blair [Actor]
Sam Cooke [Singer]
Wrong Way Corrigan [Aviator]
Tamra Davis [Film Director]
Balthazar Getty [Actor]
D. W. Griffith [Film Director]
Jim Hoagland [Journalist]
John Hurt [Actor]
Michael Hutchence [Musician]
Tsar Ivan III [Royalty]
Jim Jarmusch [Film Director]
DJ Jazzy Jeff [Disc Jockey]
Diane Lane [Actor]
Piper Laurie [Actor]
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing [Playwright]
Gabriel Macht [Actor]
Chris Masterson [Actor]
Malcolm McLaren [Business]
Telly Savalas [Actor]
Jim Saxton [Politician]
Joseph Wambaugh [Novelist]
January 23
Aquarians born January 23 are hard-headed realists whose personas reflect a strong, silent type. They have a toughness about them that’s laudable and useful: They seem to handle anything. Inside, though, they’re tender souls. Often put in the position of role model, they do not generally regard their conduct as anything special.
You should embrace: Humor, good luck, acceptance
You should avoid: Solitude, antisocial attitudes, grudges
Princess Caroline [Royalty]
Sonny Chiba [Actor]
Gertrude B. Elion [Scientist]
Paul Peter Ewald [Physicist]
John Hancock [Politician]
Mariska Hargitay [Actor]
Rutger Hauer [Actor]
Ernie Kovacs [Comic]
Walter M. Miller, Jr. [Novelist]
Jeanne Moreau [Actor]
Anita Pointer [Musician]
Nicole Polizzi [TV Personality]
Rasputin [Religion]
Django Reinhardt [Jazz Musician]
Chita Rivera [Dancer]
Bud Shuster [Politician]
Stendhal [Author]
Hideki Yukawa [Physicist]
Robin Zander [Musician]
Louis Zukofsky [Poet]
January 24
One of the most fascinating characteristics of Aquarians born on January 24 is their need to break patterns and shock those closest to them. Beneath the surface of their sophistication, they are kind. They have a genuine love for others and a willingness to reveal their vulnerabilities to those they love.
Tatyana Ali [Actor]
Jim Barksdale [Business]
John Belushi [Actor]
Ernest Borgnine [Actor]
Neil Diamond [Singer/Songwriter]
Adrian Edmondson [Comic]
Jools Holland [Musician]
Nastassja Kinski [Model, Actress]
Matthew Lillard [Actor]
Kenya Moore [Actor]
Aaron Neville [Musician]
Klaus Nomi [Singer]
Fletcher Prouty [Military]
Mary Lou Retton [Gymnastics]
Oral Roberts [Religion]
Yakov Smirnoff [Comic]
Sharon Tate [Actor]
Nik Wallenda [Daredevil]
Warren Zevon [Musician]
January 25
Despite a pleasing persona, Aquarians born on January 25 are difficult to know. They are cloaked in mystery, always holding something in reserve. Dreamy and introspective, they have magnetism and charm. They have a profound sense of their destiny. Intelligent and gifted, they may feel they are passed over by people who are less talented.
You should embrace: Allegiance, growth, know-how
You should avoid: Fair-weather friends, petty dislikes, crankiness
Corazon Aquino [Head of State]
Robert Boyle [Chemist]
William C. Bullitt [Diplomat]
Robert Burns [Poet]
Chris Chelios [Hockey]
Samuel T. Cohen [Physicist]
William Colgate [Business]
Kim Gandy [Activist]
Luis Alfredo Garavito [Criminal]
Tobe Hooper [Film Director]
Toru Iwatani [Business]
Etta James [Singer]
Joi [Singer]
Alicia Keys [Singer]
John Leslie [Pornstar]
Jenifer Lewis [Actor]
Don Maynard [Football]
Garrett Morris [Comic]
Steve Prefontaine [Track and Field]
Gregory Sierra [Actor]
Virginia Woolf [Novelist]
January 26
Few people understand power the same way an Aquarius born on January 26 does. Aquarians make their own rules and are not afraid to strike out in unexpected directions. Distinctive in appearance and attitude, they set an example for others. Their strength of character and steely intelligence give them a unique persona; they use these talents to their advantage.
You should embrace: Appeal, adoration, romance
You should avoid: Unhappiness, unfocused energy, spite
Anita Baker [Singer]
Xavier Becerra [Politician]
Vince Carter [Basketball]
Angela Davis [Activist]
Ellen DeGeneres [Comic]
Jules Feiffer [Cartoonist]
Kirk Franklin [Singer]
Scott Glenn [Actor]
Wayne Gretzky [Hockey]
Kevin McCarthy [Politician]
Akio Morita [Business]
Jose Mourinho [Soccer]
Paul Newman [Actor]
Jeremy Rifkin [Activist]
Jerry Sandusky [Football]
Gene Siskel [Critic]
Maria von Trapp [Singer]
Bob Uecker [Baseball]
Roger Vadim [Film Director]
Eddie Van Halen [Guitarist]
Jack Youngblood [Football]
January 27
Aquarians born on January 27 have excitable, magnetic personalities. They may have trouble balancing the disparate sides of their nature, but this is one of their most intriguing traits. They are alternately focused and indifferent. They possess an attractiveness that has nothing to do with their looks.
You should embrace: Sense of drama, power, graciousness
You should avoid: Perplexity, hoping against hope, inertia
Mikhail Baryshnikov [Dancer]
Bobby Bland [Singer]
Lewis Carroll [Author]
James Cromwell [Actor]
Alan Cumming [Actor]
Troy Donahue [Actor]
Mohamed al-Fayed [Business]
Bridget Fonda [Actor]
Lil’ Jon [Rapper]
Jerome Kern [Composer]
Frank Miller [Author]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Composer]
Keith Olbermann [Pundit]
Donna Reed [Actor]
Art Rooney [Football]
Ed Schultz [Radio Personality]
Marc Singer [Actor]
G. E. Smith [Guitarist]
Samuel C. C. Ting [Physicist]
Tricky [Rapper]
John Witherspoon [Comic]
Steve Wynn [Business]
January 28
Aquarians born on January 28 see themselves as a work in progress. They don’t expect to assimilate all the experiences in their lives overnight. While they hope for perfection, they realize it isn’t a likely achievement. They have the common sense to be as tolerant and forgiving of their own faults as those of others.
You should embrace: Honest mistakes, inner voice, attitude
You should avoid: Fears, chaos, dictatorial behavior
Birdman of Alcatraz [Criminal]
Alan Alda [Actor]
Giovanni Alfonso Borelli [Doctor]
Pope Clement IX [Religion]
Keith Hamilton Cobb [Actor]
Frank Darabont [Film Director]
King Henry VII [Royalty]
Robert S. Ingersoll [Diplomat]
José Martí [Activist]
John Perkins [Activist]
Jean Piccard [Aviator]
Jackson Pollock [Painter]
Nick Price [Golf]
Rakim [Rapper]
Randi Rhodes [Radio Personality]
Mo Rocca [Comic]
Marvin Sapp [Singer]
Nicolas Sarkozy [Politician]
Elijah Wood [Actor]
January 29
Aquarians born on January 29 are not content to watch the parade go by — they are spurred on by a powerful sense of mission. They may appear somewhat prickly, but they are actually gentle and philosophical in nature despite their strong political beliefs. They will put their reputation on the line to bring about necessary change.
You should embrace: Ideals, distinction, irony
You should avoid: Self-centeredness, controversy, destructive acts
Paddy Chayefsky [Playwright]
Susan Coolidge [Novelist]
Allen B. DuMont [Inventor]
W. C. Fields [Comic]
John Forsythe [Actor]
Sara Gilbert [Actor]
Germaine Greer [Activist]
Thomas Jane [Actor]
Bettye LaVette [Singer]
Leadbelly [Guitarist]
Greg Louganis [Diver]
Tommy Ramone [Drummer]
Tom Selleck [Actor]
Nicholas Turturro [Actor]
Lew Urry [Chemist]
Charlie Wilson [Singer]
Oprah Winfrey [Talk Show Host]
January 30
Aquarians born on January 30 have aristocratic bearings yet are extremely accessible and friendly. They are great humanitarians: generous but somewhat self-deprecating. It may be difficult for them to see their good traits without having them validated by loved ones. They may seem serious, but they know how to have a good time.
You should embrace: Goals, good taste, fashionable appearance
You should avoid: Lost opportunities, misjudging others, surliness
Christian Bale [Actor]
Marty Balin [Musician]
Samuel Byck [Assassin]
Dick Cheney [Politician]
Phil Collins [Singer/Songwriter]
Peter Crouch [Soccer]
Charles S. Dutton [Actor]
Doug Engelbart [Computer Programmer]
Lizzie Grubman [Business]
Gene Hackman [Actor]
John Ireland [Actor]
Kid Cudi [Rapper]
Dick Martin [Comic]
Harold Prince [Theatre Producer]
Vanessa Redgrave [Actor]
Franklin D. Roosevelt [Head of State]
Louis Rukeyser [Talk Show Host]
Boris Spassky [Chess Player]
Payne Stewart [Golf]
Keiichi Tsuchiya [Auto Racing]
Jody Watley [Singer/Songwriter]
Steven Zaillian [Screenwriter]
January 31
Aquarians born on January 31 have eccentric perspectives. They’re charismatic and can charm just about anyone. What may appear to be egotism is a simple appreciation for their gifts and talents. They are intelligent, yet their brilliance can be undermined by foolish choices.
You should embrace: Credibility, enjoyment, altruism
You should avoid: Immaturity, fatuousness, addiction
Tallulah Bankhead [Actor]
Ernie Banks [Baseball]
Queen Beatrix I [Royalty]
Eddie Cantor [Singer]
Carol Channing [Singer]
Charles V [Royalty]
Robert Ford [Criminal]
Dick Gephardt [Politician]
Philip Glass [Composer]
Benjamin Hooks [Activist]
Irving Langmuir [Chemist]
Mario Lanza [Singer]
Norman Mailer [Author]
Buddy Rice [Auto Racing]
Theodore W. Richards [Chemist]
Jackie Robinson [Baseball]
Portia de Rossi [Actor]
Johnny Rotten [Musician]
Nolan Ryan [Baseball]
Franz Schubert [Composer]
Justin Timberlake [Singer]
Glynn Turman [Actor]
Patricia Velasquez [Model]
Kerry Washington [Actor]
February 1
Aquarians born on February 1 are part of a rare breed: rebels who have respect for values. These impulsive people seem able to meld the diverse sides of their personality. Something in their nature attracts danger. They can come too close to the dark side of their personality and must confront it.
You should embrace: Exploration, confidence, leisure
You should avoid: Superstition, losing interest, disappointment
Big Boi [Musician]
Andrew Breitbart [Columnist]
Tego Calderón [Rapper]
Fritjof Capra [Physicist]
Exene Cervenka [Singer]
Dog Chapman [TV Personality]
Thomas Cole [Painter]
Günter Eich [Poet]
Don Everly [Musician]
John Ford [Film Director]
Clark Gable [Actor]
Victor Herbert [Composer]
Rick James [Musician]
Terry Jones [Comic]
Andrew Kehoe [Criminal]
Jill Kelly [Pornstar]
Lisa Marie Presley [Relative]
Linus Roache [Actor]
Pauly Shore [Comic]
Louis St. Laurent [Head of State]
Princess Stephanie [Royalty]
Boris Yeltsin [Head of State]
February 2
Aquarians born on February 2 have a modern outlook on life. They seem ageless, and their physical attractiveness testifies to their need to present themselves favorably. They are sticklers for honesty. They need to display their unconventional personality and embrace controversial issues.
You should embrace: Good choices, lost causes, quietude
You should avoid: Subjugation of goals, bad habits, loose talk
Pope Benedict XIII [Religion]
Christie Brinkley [Model]
Blake Clark [Comic]
Barry Diller [Business]
Farrah Fawcett [Actor]
Stan Getz [Jazz Musician]
George Halas [Football]
Bo Hopkins [Actor]
Gucci Mane [Rapper]
Graham Nash [Musician]
Gerard Piqué [Soccer]
José Guadalupe Posada [Engraver]
Ayn Rand [Author]
Shakira [Singer]
Liz Smith [Columnist]
Tommy Smothers [Comic]
Brent Spiner [Actor]
February 3
Aquarians born on February 3 are talented, modest and charming. They see the big picture and life’s small details. They can be eccentric yet may shelter themselves beneath a personality that reflects conventional views. They put faith in planning, knowing that hard work pays off.
You should embrace: Complex emotions, wonders of nature, happiness
You should avoid: Emotional instability, pretense, self-interest
Joey Bishop [Comic]
Michael Cimino [Film Director]
Pretty Boy Floyd [Criminal]
Pamela Franklin [Actor]
Bob Griese [Football]
Henry Heimlich [Doctor]
Gaston Julia [Mathematician]
Sean Kingston [Rapper]
Nathan Lane [Actor]
Stephen McHattie [Actor]
Felix Mendelssohn [Composer]
Norman Rockwell [Painter]
Gertrude Stein [Author]
Antonio José de Sucre [Military]
Fran Tarkenton [Football]
Maura Tierney [Actor]
Frankie Vaughan [Singer]
Johnny “Guitar” Watson [Guitarist]
Daddy Yankee [Singer]
February 4
Aquarians born on February 4 are intelligent and quirky and can give the impression of being “airheads”; in reality they are more practical than they seem. They are inspired by what can be achieved through hard work. They have enormous self-discipline and can be extremely austere when it comes to cutting unnecessary encumbrances.
You should embrace: Being at ease with oneself, giving thanks, daring
You should avoid: A critical demeanor, public opinion, truculence
Gabrielle Anwar [Actor]
George Argyros [Business]
Clint Black [Country Musician]
David Brenner [Comic]
Cam’ron [Rapper]
Alice Cooper [Musician]
Adolph Coors [Business]
Betty Friedan [Activist]
Oscar De La Hoya [Boxing]
Natalie Imbruglia [Singer/Songwriter]
Charles Lindbergh [Aviator]
Ida Lupino [Actor]
Rosa Parks [Activist]
Dan Quayle [Politician]
George Romero [Film Director]
Lawrence Taylor [Football]
February 5
Aquarians born on February 5 have an intense and magnetic personality. Paradoxically, they also have a loner mentality, though they can shine socially. They are haughty yet lovable. They have a strong code of behavior and generally have strong religious or spiritual beliefs. They have a thoroughly modern outlook but are set in their ways.
You should embrace: That special talent, mental energy, ecstasy
You should avoid: Foolish risks, envy, co-dependency
Hank Aaron [Baseball]
Roberto Alomar [Baseball]
Bobby Brown [Singer]
William S. Burroughs [Author]
Red Buttons [Actor]
John Carradine [Actor]
Don Cherry [Hockey]
André Citroën [Engineer]
H. R. Giger [Artist]
Barbara Hershey [Actor]
Alan L. Hodgkin [Scientist]
Tony Jaa [Actor]
Benoît Jacquot [Film Director]
Al Kooper [Musician]
David Ladd [Actor]
Jennifer Jason Leigh [Actor]
Laura Linney [Actor]
Michael Mann [Film Director]
Cliff Martinez [Composer]
Duff McKagan [Bassist]
Tim Meadows [Comic]
Andreas Papandreou [Head of State]
Chris Parnell [Actor]
Charlotte Rampling [Actor]
Cristiano Ronaldo [Soccer]
David Selby [Actor]
Belle Starr [Criminal]
Roger Staubach [Football]
Adlai Stevenson [Politician]
Barrett Strong [Musician]
Loudon Wainwright III [Singer/Songwriter]
Isuzu Yamada [Actor]
February 6
Aquarians born on February 6 possess a strong sense of personal integrity and the ability to act as a mediator between disparate factions. These likable individuals have so much charm that even rivals compliment them. People born on this date have the potential to become legendary. They embrace humanity and use their talents and personal goodness for the benefit of others.
You should embrace: Ideals, honesty, spiritual harmony
You should avoid: Capitulation, self-interest, wasting resources
Queen Anne [Royalty]
Rick Astley [Singer]
Sarah Brady [Activist]
Eva Braun [First Lady]
Tom Brokaw [Journalist]
Aaron Burr [Politician]
Natalie Cole [Singer]
Fabian [Singer]
Mike Farrell [Actor]
Zsa Zsa Gabor [Actor]
Megan Gallagher [Actor]
Bob Marley [Singer/Songwriter]
Christopher Marlowe [Playwright]
Kathy Najimy [Actor]
Ronald Reagan [Head of State]
Axl Rose [Musician]
Babe Ruth [Baseball]
Rip Torn [Actor]
Robert Townsend [Actor]
Kevin Trudeau [Author]
François Truffaut [Film Director]
Mamie Van Doren [Actor]
February 7
Aquarians born on February 7 are private people. They need to express strong opinions but do so in a gracious and nonthreatening way. Others may sense that they have a private agenda they are not willing to share. Although this may be the case, their great personal charm and sweetness make them popular.
You should embrace: Morality, truth, transcendental awareness
You should avoid: Bitterness, emotional detachment, lies
Essence Atkins [Actor]
Eubie Blake [Jazz Musician]
Garth Brooks [Country Musician]
John Deere [Business]
Miguel Ferrer [Actor]
William Huggins [Astronomer]
Eddie Izzard [Comic]
Sinclair Lewis [Novelist]
Emo Philips [Comic]
Chris Rock [Comic]
Robert Smigel [Actor]
James Spader [Actor]
Gloria Talbott [Actor]
Gay Talese [Author]
Allen West [Politician]
Laura Ingalls Wilder [Novelist]
February 8
A certain spookiness is evident in the personality of Aquarians born on February 8. They have a powerful life-force, with evidence of psychic awareness. Although they may appear almost sphinx-like in their emotional isolation, they are intense. Before they can use their talents and gifts, they must master — and understand — their personal power.
You should embrace: Karmic lessons, sensitivity, spiritual harmony
You should avoid: Carelessness, scattering energies, indifference
Brooke Adams [Actor]
Benigno Aquino III [Head of State]
Gary Coleman [Actor]
Seth Green [Actor]
John Grisham [Novelist]
Pooch Hall [Actor]
Robert Klein [Comic]
Ted Koppel [Journalist]
Jack Lemmon [Actor]
John A. Logan [Military]
Mary McCormack [Actor]
Audrey Meadows [Actor]
Dmitri Mendeleev [Chemist]
Alonzo Mourning [Basketball]
Lisel Mueller [Poet]
Vince Neil [Singer]
Nick Nolte [Actor]
Alejandro Rey [Actor]
Dan Seals [Country Musician]
Big Show [Wrestling]
Mary Steenburgen [Actor]
Lana Turner [Actor]
Jules Verne [Author]
King Vidor [Film Director]
John Williams [Composer]
Harry Wu [Activist]
February 9
Aquarians born on February 9 are a combination of childlike innocence and great wisdom. They need to communicate their ideas through action. There is often a great deal of struggle in their lives, but they accept it with grace, knowing they can only become what they envision through hard work or even sadness.
You should embrace: Belief, liberality, ethics
You should avoid: Hostility, ill-wishes, unpredictability
Mia Farrow [Actor]
Frank Frazetta [Painter]
Ciarán Hinds [Actor]
Holly Johnson [Musician]
Carole King [Singer/Songwriter]
Gypsy Rose Lee [Dancer]
Judith Light [Actor]
Roger Mudd [Journalist]
Joe Pesci [Actor]
Charles Shaughnessy [Actor]
Travis Tritt [Country Musician]
Ernest Tubb [Musician]
Jack Van Impe [Religion]
Alice Walker [Author]
Julie Warner [Actor]
James H. Webb [Military]
Ziyi Zhang [Actor]
February 10
Aquarians born on February 10 are the high-energy type whose ambitions for worldly success are grounded in motives, not materialism. They believe in their abilities but have nothing of the egocentric about them. They fight for the underdog. Their ability to see beyond their own concerns is a characteristic that makes them praiseworthy.
You should embrace: Fellowship, self-determination, honesty
You should avoid: Mediocrity, worry, irresponsibility
Stella Adler [Actor]
Peter Allen [Singer/Songwriter]
Bertolt Brecht [Playwright]
Lon Chaney, Jr. [Actor]
Jim Cramer [TV Personality]
Laura Dern [Actor]
Jimmy Durante [Comic]
Lenny Dykstra [Baseball]
Roberta Flack [Singer]
Jerry Goldsmith [Composer]
Greg Norman [Golf]
Don Omar [Rapper]
Leontyne Price [Singer]
Mark Spitz [Swimmer]
George Stephanopoulos [TV Personality]
Michio Suzuki [Business]
Robert Wagner [Actor]
Chick Webb [Jazz Musician]
February 11
Aquarians born on February 11 are unique people that understands the powerful forces that can be commanded with discipline and training. They have a single-mindedness that allows them to sacrifice to bring a goal to fruition. Despite their seriousness, they have a sunny side. They’re able to balance all the elements in their lives without losing focus or emotional centeredness.
You should embrace: Sensitivity, concern for others, emotional high
You should avoid: Perfectionism, excessive temperament, exhaustion
Jennifer Aniston [Actor]
Max Baer [Boxing]
Brandy [Singer]
Sheryl Crow [Singer]
D’Angelo [Singer]
Thomas Edison [Inventor]
Eva Gabor [Actor]
Pope Gregory XIV [Religion]
Alex Jones [Radio Personality]
Sonny Landham [Actor]
Tina Louise [Actor]
Joseph L. Mankiewicz [Film Director]
Sergio Mendes [Musician]
Leslie Nielsen [Actor]
Aubrey O’Day [Singer]
Sarah Palin [Politician]
Burt Reynolds [Actor]
Kelly Rowland [Singer]
Sidney Sheldon [Author]
Mike Shinoda [Musician]
Gene Vincent [Musician]
February 12
Aquarians born on February 12 have quiet strength. Their wisdom is based on karmic experience, yet they can live according to society’s constraints. They have the spiritual power to heal others’ psychic wounds. Their Aquarian nature draws people to them, but they are loners at heart.
You should embrace: Positive attitude, confidence, destiny
You should avoid: Depression, disinterest, failure
Maud Adams [Actor]
Darren Aronofsky [Film Director]
Joe Don Baker [Actor]
Tex Beneke [Musician]
Josh Brolin [Actor]
Costa-Gavras [Film Director]
Charles Darwin [Naturalist]
Cliff De Young [Singer]
Joe Garagiola [Baseball]
David Graeber [Anthropologist]
Lorne Greene [Actor]
Arsenio Hall [Talk Show Host]
Michael Ironside [Actor]
Abraham Lincoln [Head of State]
Richard Lynch [Actor]
Simon MacCorkindale [Actor]
Ted Mack [TV Personality]
Ray Manzarek [Musician]
Michael McDonald [Musician]
Joan Mitchell [Painter]
Anna Pavlova [Dancer]
Chynna Phillips [Singer]
Christina Ricci [Actor]
Bill Russell [Basketball]
Silvia Saint [Pornstar]
Arlen Specter [Politician]
Jesse Spencer [Actor]
Franco Zeffirelli [Film Director]
February 13
Aquarians born on February 13 are go-getters. Overcoming odds is what they live for, so they may invite a struggle when there’s no need to! They have incredible energy, though they may not always use it wisely. They find it easy to get through life on charm and good looks. Glitter is only one of their sides.
You should embrace: Wise choices, moderation, faithfulness
You should avoid: Ignoring details, insincerity, gloating
Pope Alexander VII [Religion]
Mel Allen [Sports Journalist]
Stockard Channing [Actor]
Peter Gabriel [Musician]
Peter Hook [Bassist]
Kelly Hu [Actor]
Carol Lynley [Actor]
Randy Moss [Football]
David Naughton [Actor]
Oliver Reed [Actor]
Henry Rollins [Musician]
George Segal [Actor]
William Shockley [Physicist]
Jerry Springer [Talk Show Host]
Mena Suvari [Actor]
Bo Svenson [Actor]
Peter Tork [Musician]
Robbie Williams [Singer]
Chuck Yeager [Aviator]
February 14
Aquarians born on February 14 are high-strung, interesting people who possess analytical intelligence that allows them to tackle complex problems without losing sight of the practical side issues. Their verbal skills are considerable. They have an edgy charm that makes them irresistible.
You should embrace: Imagination, romance, sophistication
You should avoid: Mental exhaustion, prejudice, false hope
Jack Benny [Actor]
Carl Bernstein [Journalist]
Drew Bledsoe [Football]
Nigel Bruce [Actor]
Francesco Cavalli [Composer]
Hugh Downs [Journalist]
Florence Henderson [Actor]
Gregory Hines [Dancer]
Jimmy Hoffa [Labor Leader]
Kevin Keegan [Soccer]
Jim Kelly [Football]
Jackie Martling [Comic]
Vic Morrow [Actor]
Pat O’Brien [Journalist]
Alan Parker [Film Director]
Simon Pegg [Actor]
Thelma Ritter [Actor]
Robert Shea [Author]
Christopher Sholes [Inventor]
Teller [Magician]
Rob Thomas [Musician]
Meg Tilly [Actor]
Sakichi Toyoda [Inventor]
Mickey Wright [Golf]
Fritz Zwicky [Astronomer]
February 15
Aquarians born on February 15 exude sophistication and glamour, and they possess an aura of mystery and charm that impresses others. They are the picture of romanticism. Their sarcasm is usually reserved for extreme situations, but most loved ones feel its sting at one time or another.
You should embrace: Practicality, honest emotions, credibility
You should avoid: Shallowness, frivolous emotions, excesses
Susan B. Anthony [Activist]
John Barrymore [Actor]
Alex Borstein [Comic]
Janice Dickinson [Model]
Chris Farley [Comic]
Matt Groening [Cartoonist]
Herman Kahn [Scholar]
Louis XV [Royalty]
Melissa Manchester [Singer/Songwriter]
Kevin McCarthy [Actor]
Sara Jane Moore [Assassin]
John W. Nordstrom [Business]
Louis Renault [Engineer]
Cesar Romero [Actor]
Adolfo Sardina [Fashion Designer]
Jane Seymour [Actor]
Ernest Shackleton [Explorer]
February 16
Easygoing and generous, Aquarians born on February 16 give freely of their time and talents. They have a laid-back attitude that endears them to everyone. Despite a pleasant facade, they are perfectionists. When they involve themselves in a project, they give it everything. Known for their ability to see the big picture, they are equally at home with details.
You should embrace: Versatility, acceptance of change, mastery
You should avoid: Quitting, discouragement, lost opportunities
Patty Andrews [Singer]
Hugh Beaumont [Actor]
Otis Blackwell [Songwriter]
Giambattista Bodoni [Publisher]
Sonny Bono [Singer]
LeVar Burton [Actor]
Lupe Fiasco [Rapper]
Margaux Hemingway [Actor]
Ice-T [Rapper]
Kim Jong Il [Head of State]
William Katt [Actor]
John McEnroe [Tennis]
Pete Postlethwaite [Actor]
John Schlesinger [Film Director]
Tabitha Stevens [Pornstar]
Andy Taylor [Guitarist]
Eckhart Tolle [Religion]
Roberta Williams [Artist]
February 17
Aquarians born on February 17 subscribe to a “grand design.” They are stable and intense, with strong views. And yet they prefer to express themselves non-verbally. They need to keep their emotions in check, because they fear the intensity of their feelings. They give the impression of being strong and capable, yet there are times when they feel on the edge.
You should embrace: Self-satisfaction, dependability, practice
You should avoid: Derision, dependence, losing faith
Red Barber [Sports Journalist]
Alan Bates [Actor]
Michael Bay [Film Director]
Jim Brown [Football]
Arcangelo Corelli [Violinist]
Don Coscarelli [Film Director]
Ronald Fisher [Mathematician]
Rowdy Gaines [Swimmer]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt [Actor]
Larry The Cable Guy [Comic]
Paris Hilton [Socialite]
Hal Holbrook [Actor]
Michael Jordan [Basketball]
Arthur Kennedy [Actor]
Ralphie May [Comic]
Huey Newton [Activist]
Jerry O’Connell [Actor]
Lou Diamond Phillips [Actor]
Gene Pitney [Singer/Songwriter]
Denise Richards [Actor]
Rene Russo [Actor]
February 18
Aquarians born on February 18 are dedicated to the art of perfection. They can transcend the mundane trivia of everyday life to become something special. They not only attract controversy — they thrive on it! Quiet and introspective, they have what it takes to become emotionally self-sufficient. When challenges come their way, they bear up stoically.
You should embrace: Wisdom, empathy, purpose
You should avoid: Making demands, psychological strain, irritability
Helen Gurley Brown [Author]
Dennis DeYoung [Singer/Songwriter]
Matt Dillon [Actor]
Dr. Dre [Music Producer]
Tracey Edmonds [Business]
Enzo Ferrari [Business]
Milos Forman [Film Director]
Johnny Hart [Cartoonist]
George Kennedy [Actor]
Keith Knudsen [Drummer]
Ernst Mach [Physicist]
Lee Malvo [Criminal]
Toni Morrison [Author]
Juice Newton [Singer]
Yoko Ono [Artist]
Jack Palance [Actor]
George Papandreou [Head of State]
George Peabody [Business]
Juelz Santana [Rapper]
Greta Scacchi [Actor]
Charles M. Schwab [Business]
Cybill Shepherd [Actor]
Louis Comfort Tiffany [Artist]
John Travolta [Actor]
Vanna White [Game Show Host]
February 19
The intrepid Pisces born on February 19 is eager to learn. They are restless, eccentrically spiritual, and emotionally fragile. Charming and attractive, they are also easily managed by others. Governed by their emotions, they are their own worst enemy at times. Though kindhearted and generous, they have a hard time feeling good about themselves.
You should embrace: The joy of giving, ethics, leadership
You should avoid: Predictability, censure, irresponsibility
Mary Anderson [Inventor]
Prince Andrew [Royalty]
Benicio Del Toro [Actor]
Falco [Musician]
John Frankenheimer [Film Director]
Roger Goodell [Football]
Tony Iommi [Guitarist]
Paul Krause [Football]
Lee Marvin [Actor]
Conrad Murray [Doctor]
Merle Oberon [Actor]
Smokey Robinson [Singer/Songwriter]
Seal [Singer]
Karen Silkwood [Victim]
Amy Tan [Author]
Sunset Thomas [Pornstar]
Ray Winstone [Actor]