By Sophia Elise
Relationship karma is something we each carry with us in just about every relationship we have. Relationship karma can be found in the relationships we have with family, friends, co-workers, the Starbuck’s barista as well as all your romantic relationships. Not every relationship will have karma and not every relationship is karmic but we will learn fundamental lessons in life by engaging in relationships with karmic connections and soulmates.
Many people believe that karma is punishment for past actions but the karma police are not going to come and get you and turn you into an earthworm in your next life, for any misdeeds you commit. The purpose of karma is to teach, not to punish. But what exactly is karma? It is a Sanskrit word for action and the universal law of cause and effect that says everything we do and say carries energy into the world that effects our present reality. Every action, has a reaction. In other words, every word we speak, decision we make and action we take creates and energetic imprint on our life. We create our reality from those thoughts, words and deeds. Additionally karma is connected to our life blueprint and the soulmate contracts we have with the collective soulmates we have in our lives. This of course will include life lessons and both the spiritual and personal growth we need to evolve as humans on the planet.
If the purpose of karma is to teach, the purpose of relationship karma is to teach you about relationships. Relationship karma is the amalgamation of the experiences, lessons, dramas and traumas we incur through the process of being in a romantic relationship with a soulmate, in both the current and past lifetimes. The scenarios are being played out by the two of you, over and over, until you get it right. Some of these experiences will be positive and of course some will be negative. Unfortunately we silly humans learn best through the negative life lessons because essentially we are learning that we never want to go through or have that experience again. We move beyond and past it. On the bright side, the assimilation of these are the very ones we need to define our character and make us better relationship partners.
When you have relationship karma with someone, simply put, the karma and life lessons must be played out. If they are not, you will either 1) have that same lesson with someone else or 2) have it with this same soulmate during a later incarnation. It is how the wheel of life works. And you have a choice as to whether or not you want to continue to experience the karma with a specific person in your lifetime. If it becomes more than you want to deal with, you could exercise your right of free will and say “Adios, catch ya next time around”. The choice really is up to you and how much you are willing to sacrifice and endure to be with someone who is not stepping up to the plate. Is it practical to stay with someone who does not make you feel valued or love because you have some karmic debt with them? This is a choice you will have to make.