By Molly Hall |
The Plot Thickens
The Taurus New Moon is Sunday, May 17th at 9:13 pm Pacific. That means it’s in the early hours of Monday, May 18th for points East — exact at 12:13 am Eastern and 4:13 am GMT-London time.
It falls at 27 degrees Taurus (rounded up) — look for this degree in your birth chart. Crafty creativity and fertility are peaking, making this the New Moon to plant dream seeds.
And yet, it falls the day before Mercury’s retrograde in Gemini (at 13 degrees) on May 18th.
Be receptive — and Taurus is a yin/feminine sign — to seeing from new angles and attitudes.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus. That means Luna’s happy here, and it’s a settled, comforting Moon mood.
Earth sign Taurus is very tuned in to the physical realm and its sights, sounds and dimensions. The concrete how of an inspired idea comes into your mind’s eye. The practicality of the Bull, meets its natural grace, as a sign ruled by Venus. It’s time for flourishes of beauty and substance.
New Moons are a time to chill, and Taurus is a sign that makes leisure an art. Slow down to the rhythms of nature, and ally with the pulse of the planet for renewal. Settling into those slower beats is a way to observe, receive and simply be.
The secret of Taurus — a yin/feminine sign — is its ability to magnetize what it needs and wants. Being clear on your intent, and yet open to surprises, is a good way to go. Read about this very Venusian Taurus New Moon, one that’s lifted to ecstatic heights by Venus’ higher octave, Neptune.
You might be inspired to take a moment for a New Moon ritual, and this can be as simple as lighting a candle. The trick to a successful ritual is presence, and focus, so even if your ritual is simple, it’s powerful.
Forecast for the Houses
Taurus New Moon in the First House: (House of Aries and Mars)
If this lunation alights here, you’ve likely got Taurus as your rising sign. At the eclipse, epiphanies dawn on you related to your presence, as experienced by others, and your self-image. Are you embodying your values, in your self-presentation? Do you want to firm up and polish this? Or stretch to be more flexible and light on your feet?
Moving Matter: a vision for radiant health; updating your look; tangible promotion materials (cards, brochures); significant encounters; meaningful first impressions.
Taurus New Moon in the Second House: (House of Taurus and Venus)
A fresh start here revolves around making a living, and a life. Are structures in place that allow for a steady rhythm of productivity? Primo time for re-aligning your work to your values. There could be flashes of how a dream can be made real. This is a time for mapping how to get from here to there. Are you in nourishing environs to say “Yes” to your calling?
Moving Matter: passive income streams; investing in natural gifts; a stable home base; creature comforts; beautiful things; living artfully; finding a path to thriving.
Taurus New Moon in the Third House: (House of Gemini and Mercury)
This lunation favors finding ways to bring your unique perspective to a satisfying form. It could be shaping stories, a blog or a body of work related to your field. The senses are heightened, and lead to fresh ways of seeing. What are the ways to share what you find beautiful and timeless? What mediums are right for your self-expression now? Tune in to who and what you resonate with, with special attention to voices in speech and music. Is it time to broadcast your songs or observations?
Moving Matter: street parties; how-to books; playing an instrument; sharing practical information; being neighborly; enjoying or helping siblings.
Taurus New Moon in the Fourth House: (House of Cancer and the Moon)
With a Taurus-inspired house of home, you find it comforting to feather the nest. You might sense the need to lighten the load – New Moons are great for clearing clutter! This is the house of origins, and the emotional pool (family, ancestors, tradition) we swam in or swim in. How can the waters be freshened or purified? It could relate to possessions that have an emotional weight or are part of how you see yourself. There could be changes to your home base, or the first inkling that changes are called for. Or, you could get inspired to renovate, remodel, or simply beautify your dwelling.
Moving Matter: living with nature and natural designs; de-toxing your home; letting go of emotionally heavy possessions; moving; buying or selling real estate; engagement with family (especially Mom).
Taurus in the Fifth House: (House of Leo and the Sun)
This is the house of following your blisss — with Taurus here, you find beauty in spontaneity, that’s paired with real artisan skills. Is it time to invest in your own native talents? A love affair that starts now can be a celebration of the senses. If you’re stressed, come back to that pulse of play, and seeing where your vibe of happy takes you. A practical focus to do with your children (or those you work with) can come to the fore. You shine when demonstrating simple pleasure of being in a body on Earth, enjoying what’s in season.
Moving Matter: New playmates; physical affection; unscheduled days to explore; spontaneous acts; being heart-led.
Taurus New Moon in the Sixth House: (House of Virgo and Mercury or Chiron)
A re-set here can address your health or the instincts of your inner healer. You could get flashes that tweaks big or small are necessary, in how your life is set up, to bring more ease, and less dis-ease. This house is about refinements to the whole self as a system. Here you catch sight of what’s working and what’s not. This house also relates to the community and doing your bit for the common good. You could become aware of satisfying ways to help others toward richer, more wholesome lives.
Moving Matter: weight issues; overall constitution; making your work, your art; healing sessions; being a healer; learning a craft; finding a satisfying work groove.
Taurus New Moon in the Seventh House: (House of Libra and Venus)
A primo lunation to call in love or new friendships. With a Taurus-flavored seventh house, you crave a constant heart, loyal and true – and a good provider as old-fashioned as that sounds. This lunation can have you looking at all your main peeps. This includes those you call frenemies – any intense tie that holds your energy falls in the realm of this house. It may be time for a cord cutting or updating the soul contract – ask for guidance on how to resolve lingering entanglements that aren’t healthy (including ones in your psyche). It’s time to weed your relationship garden, compost it and make it a fertile place for new life.
Moving Matter: break-ups and make-ups; moving in together; merging resources; business partnerships; enemies as important teachers.
Taurus New Moon in the Eighth House: (House of Scorpio and Pluto)
Here you are face-to-face with the mysteries of power. It’s a lunation to invite growth that resolves challenges to manifesting what you desire. The tangible world (possessions, your body) is a demonstration of your ability to transform. Is it time for a house cleaning?
Moving Matter: de-toxing; letting go of some things to make room for others; moving energy through intimacy.
Taurus New Moon in the Ninth House: (House of Sagittarius and Jupiter)
A lunation to make adventures happen – experiences that come with sensual memories of being there, doing that. Is it time to expand your knowledge with travel or a stimulating course of some kind? Taurus in this house is a hands-on philosophy, wanting to demonstrate what is known, and possibly teach it. This lunation could be a time to consider new roles, to do with passing on wisdom. This house also activates physical feats – is it time to set a goal for your personal best? Or perhaps, like my Sagittarius friend, it’s time to keep moving, by walking every day as a transition from work to evening downtime.
Moving Matter: practical philosophies; universal skills to travel with; realistic aspirations.
Taurus New Moon in the Tenth House: (House of Capricorn and Saturn)
Here life’s work is the target, and what kind of field you’re developing in over time. The psyche delivers messages in dreams with you in the starring role. You could realize it’s time for a shift with work. And in this time of chaos, it could call on you to be extraordinarily resourceful – to make full use of your talents, skills, persistent drive. What’s worth achieving? What will bring you a deep sense of satisfaction?
Moving Matter: Gaining concrete and lasting skills; the stabilizing presence of a mentor; spotting a mountain to climb.
Taurus New Moon in the Eleventh House: (House of Aquarius and Uranus)
This house is about timelines, and where they are leading you. Is it time to see if the path you’re on, is in line with your values? Are you growing things that you feel good about sending out into the world? What alliances feel right, for the purpose that’s beating urgently in the now? Which connections do you need to release, with good will, if they are no longer on your wavelength? Visioning at this New Moon can be very practical, but with solutions that seem ahead of their time. This house is about vibes, and embodying the vibes that will lead you (and attract) the future you want to live.
Moving Matter: Innovations that are futuristic, yet very useful; new friends that blow your mind; using technology to broadcast your resonance; finding collaborators and investors.
Taurus New Moon in the Twelfth House: (House of Pisces and Neptune)
With a Taurus-inspired twelfth house, a life-long meditation for you is valuing your intimacy with the spiritual source. You have the potential to be a magical creator, drawing on an infinite terrain – your vibrant imagination. Is it time to set new goals, to support yourself financially? Your spiritual life holds the key to making a living. Your medium might include your body, voice or dexterity with your hands. You could be inspired to add to or establish a sanctuary in your space, for reflection, meditation or simply inviting the Muse. Be good to yourself and slow down to hear the sublime guidance.
Moving Matter: divinely-inspired artisan or artist; the music of angels; deep rapport with animals, trees and plant life.