Page of Cups

Number: 46/11

Element: Earth of the suit of Water

Key Meaning: Love news

The Page of Cups card in Tarot stands for being emotional, intuitive, intimate, and loving. The Page of Cups meaning in a Tarot reading is to let your feeling show, to be sentimental or romantic, and to respond to beauty. It is the time to shed your detachment and let your heart lead the way! To be intuitive, you need to receive guidance from within. You need to trust your gut reaction and act on a hunch. To be intuitive, you need to have a psychic experience. Being intimate is another aspect of the Page of Cups card. Being intimate is having special moments of togetherness, sharing something special. Being intimate is solidifying a friendship, getting closer to someone, and starting or renewing a love affair. It is the time to feel free and express your feelings.

Upright Meaning:

As an influence: The Page represents sociability, good company, and fun. Whatever your age, the Page reveals you will feel young at heart. As Pages are messengers, the Page of Cups brings good news about the emotional aspects of your life: relationships, children, and finances (when this has a direct impact on your relationships). In love, he can show a new potential partner is coming. This is not the Page himself—he is simply the messenger—but he lets you know that love is once more on the horizon. While it will be tempting to rush into a new romance, it may be wise to hold back a little. Other responsibilities such as extra work and exams can’t be abandoned just yet.
This card also favors imagination and creativity, and so augers well for new projects and opportunities to improve your home and lifestyle. If you have suffered periods of insecurity and doubt, the Page assures you that all is well and good times are ahead. Finances are also favored now.

As a person: An individual with an artistic temperament, this Page is a dreamer. He loves company, is highly emotional and intuitive, and is naturally generous, sometimes to a fault. He is a good friend and happy to introduce others into his circle. The Page can often indicate a sensitive child or other young person you care for.

Reversed Meaning: When reversed, the Page brings frustration and irresponsibility. Offers do not materialize; you may feel that life is all work and no play. As a person, the reversed Page is emotionally immature and attention-seeking, so you cannot rely on his perspective—he can only obsess about his own needs. This person may be living in a dream world and become very defensive when challenged. In family relationships, a child may find it difficult to communicate his or her feelings.

An additional meaning of the reversed Page is intoxication—too much partying. It’s time to calm down and get back to an ordered routine.

About the Deck: “Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot of Dreams” from