Seven of Swords

Number: 56/7

Element: Air

Astrological Association: Moon in Aquarius

Key Meanings: Theft and dishonesty

The Seven of Swords in Tarot stands for running away, lone wolf style, and hidden dishonor. The Seven of Swords represents someone who has secret and solitary plans.

Upright Meaning: The common name for this Seven of Swords is “the thief.” Traditionally, the message is to protect your belongings and property. In general, we can think of this as a potential transgression—you may encounter a challenge to your position, an individual invading your space, or in relationships, a selfish partner who takes too much emotionally, or at worst, defrauds you. As the suit of Swords relates to intellect, you’ll need your instincts and your wits to discover the truth. You may need to be devious and play this person at his or her own game, too, to find out what you need to know. Your opponent may be strong, but you still have valuable resources on your side.

The card can also show legal problems, and unfair or fraudulent business dealings.

Reversed Meaning: The reversed Seven of Swords shows a tendency to give up rather than take a stand. It may feel unnatural to you to think like your opponent to anticipate their next moves, but this attitude will help you defend what is yours. Otherwise, you may surrender too soon. This particularly applies to work, when a colleague tries to disempower you. It’s important to stand your ground.

As with the upright card, the reversed Seven of Swords can show legal problems of and in business dealings, beware of unscrupulous people.

About the Deck: “Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot of Dreams” from