Suit Influence: Spades: Problems, challenges, delays, frustrations, loneliness, anger, secrets, mysteries, sickness, negative emotions, force, movement, karma, and the mind.
Number Influence:
The Number Three represents expansion, combinations, communications, creativity and growth.
How to Read the 3 of Spades:
Traditionally, he 3 of Spades is a card of “loss.” The number 3 symbolizes expansion and growth, and when influenced by the suit of spades, it can represent a growing problem, or a worsening situation. Conversely, this card can also signify interrupted growth, or a blockage.
The number 3 also represents communications, and the 3 of Spades can denote confusion, misunderstandings, lies, deceptions, and deceit. This card can represent an argument. Since the number 3 may also refer to a “third wheel,” and the 3 of Spades can indicate “third-party” interference, or trouble coming from the outside.
My grandmother called the 3♠ “La Suocera” which has two not so different meanings in Italian: “The Mother-in-Law” and “The Funny Bone.” She would say that both meanings apply to this card. Like the proverbial mother-in-law, the 3♠ can indicate a troublesome, meddling person who is interfering in someone else’s personal business. And like a sharp whack to the funny bone (or a meddlesome mother-in-law for that matter), the 3♠ can also indicate a particularly tender matter or situation-like a “sore point” in the querent’s life. This card can indicate that the querent or someone around the querent is “touchy” or defensive about someone or something. The 3♠ can also refer to “a third wheel,” and in matters of the heart it can represent the “mistress” or the “rake” in a love triangle.
You may remember an old song from the 1970′s by Cher called “Dark Lady.” If you don’t know it, the song is about a woman who goes to a gypsy fortune teller only to learn that she, her husband, and the gypsy woman are caught in a love triangle. When the gypsy lays down the cards, the lyrics to the song are:
I’ve always been sure that the three she dealt with the queen was the 3 of Spades. The two-eyed Jack was undoubtedly the Jack of Clubs since he’s the only black Jack with both eyes visible. In some of the older Cartomancy systems, the Jack of Clubs has a reputation for being insincere, and having a smooth line ladies.
Card Multiples:
All card multiples indicate surprises and unexpected events.
- Two 3s: a church or monastery, a growing interest in spirituality. An interest in the religious side of life.
- Three 3s: Awareness on a higher plane, a religious or mystical experience.
- Four 3s: religious fanaticism.
Card Combination:
A♦ + 3♠ = Loss of ring
4♦ + 3♠ = Loss of a purse or wallet
A♥ +3♠ = A growing problem in the home that may be caused by a meddlesome person.
Meanings furnished by The Art of Cartomancy