The Month of Aries, 2013

By Sharita Star The Zodiac Month Ahead Pioneering Power What we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies, 20 March to 19 April. A Meditation for Aries “Aries is a sign of male power, and it pushes one forward into positions of power through the...

The Mystical Tarot Power

The mystical tarot power, its deep hidden meaning, its ever increasing beauty & analytical insight provides one with the ability of self observation. It connects one with spiritual realm, guides one to go ahead in one?s area of life & further inspires one to...

How Astrology Can Help You

Whether you call them your Stars, Sun signs or Horoscopes, all these terms speak of the same thing; the study of the planetary cycles as they affect a person, place, animate or inanimate object . Indeed any entity that has been ‘birthed’, whether it is a...
The Geek Zodiac Soundtrack

The Geek Zodiac Soundtrack

Hi all, The guys over at The Continuum have wrapped up the Geek Zodiac Soundtrack: 12 Songs for 12 Signs and as a recap of sorts you’ll find their respective selections in what they’re dubbing the 2-disc set. James’s skews toward hip-hop and R&B, with a dash of...
The Geek Zodiac Soundtrack

Chinese vs. Western Numerology

by Stacey Nicholas Numerology is no one-trick pony. While the Pythagorean method is the most popular system used by enthusiasts and experts in the west, Chinese Numerology is an entirely different and wildly popular system. Rather than associating each number with its...